Module Overview

Statistical tests are used to determine whether the observed effect is real or merely occurred by chance. An outcome of a statistical test is a p-value, the probability of getting the observed, or stronger, result by chance. P-values are essential for data analysis, but alas, they are frequently misunderstood and misused, often considered as the ultimate answer, while they only form a small part of the bigger puzzle. This ultimately results in the publication of erroneous and irreproducible results.

This series of lectures explores a range of statistical tests, when their use is appropriate and correctly interpreting their results. The topics covered by the lectures are as follows:

  1. Introduction: The null hypothesis, statistical tests, p-values; Fisher’s test
  2. Contingency tables: chi-square test, G-test
  3. T-test: one- and two-sample, paired; variance comparison
  4. ANOVA: one- and two-way
  5. Non-parametric tests: Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon signed-rank, Kruskal-Wallis
  6. Non-parametric tests: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, permutation, bootstrap
  7. Statistical power: Effect size, power in t-test, power in ANOVA
  8. Multiple test corrections: Family-wise error rate, false discovery rate, Holm-Bonferroni limit, Benjamini-Hochberg limit, Storey method
  9. What’s wrong with p-values?

Pre-registration is not required to attend this lecture series.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, participants will:
  • Be able to select an appropriate statistical test to apply
  • Understand how to interpret p-values and false discovery rates
  • Understand when use of a p-value is appropriate

Prerequisite Modules/Knowledge

Attendance of OPD workshop ‘An Introduction to the Elements of Modern Statistical Modelling Using the Language R’ workshop is highly recommended.

Course Schedule

Not currently scheduled
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