NanoPlot statistics report

NanoPlot reports

Summary statistics

General summary
Active channels 292.0
Mean read length 2,650.9
Mean read quality 10.1
Median read length 1,576.0
Median read quality 9.8
Number of reads 44,278.0
Read length N50 4,438.0
STDEV read length 3,325.8
Total bases 117,375,135.0
Number, percentage and megabases of reads above quality cutoffs
>Q5 44278 (100.0%) 117.4Mb
>Q7 44278 (100.0%) 117.4Mb
>Q10 16478 (37.2%) 38.7Mb
>Q12 2330 (5.3%) 5.1Mb
>Q15 23 (0.1%) 0.1Mb
Top 5 highest mean basecall quality scores and their read lengths
1 20.4 (188)
2 16.6 (456)
3 16.5 (418)
4 15.9 (3084)
5 15.8 (3818)
Top 5 longest reads and their mean basecall quality score
1 72661 (9.2)
2 51845 (9.4)
3 50761 (9.3)
4 49559 (9.5)
5 48933 (9.7)


Weighted histogram of read lengths

Weighted histogram of read lengths after log transformation

Non weighted histogram of read lengths

Non weighted histogram of read lengths after log transformation

Yield by length

Number of reads generated per channel

Cumulative yield

Cumulative yield

Number of reads over time

Number of active pores over time

Violin plot of read lengths over time

Violin plot of quality over time